domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009

Love is in the air.

*For those who thought that ugly people doesnt find real were wrong !!
Love is for everyoneee (at least this way jaja).
Go for them "Hunchback of Notre Dame" !!!
*Per chi pensava che la gente brutta non trova il vero amore..avete stato sbagliato.
L'amore è per tutti (almeno in questa manera jaja).
Va per loro "Gobbo di Notre Dame" !!!
*Para aquellos que pensaron que el amor no es para la gente fea...estaban equivocados !!
El amor es para todos (al menos de esta manera).
Ve por ellas Jorobado de Notre Dame !!!

Some kind of humor, I hope you like it cause I enjoyed making it..

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

Answer or don't answer...being eaten or not...that's the question..

If you wanna date one of know what you have to do...NOTHING, cause they prefer them dumb jeje..on the other hand...If you don't like them...well, there's nothing else to say...just read the verb in red !!

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

Just a "little" misunderstood.

Keep in touch with reality...because we are all different.
Meanwhile someone is gonna have a bad time jaja.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

What we're thinking about...

Jajaja I think someone will kick my ass because of this, but it worths every single kick jaja
After all I will always love you (even If you like mokeys jojo)

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

The clown of humanity (made with palstilin)

We're destroying the world...that's pretty funny, none wants to take in charge this situation...there's no conviction..."If you don't do it, me neither".
And well... why would we change ? after all it's easier to laugh...
Laughing as louder as possible then we won't be able to listen to the world's complaint.
So...lets keep on laughing, at the end maybe If we pray pretty hard, everything will be as it was before jajaja.
Damn I'm not a religious one !! I better try to do my part trying to keep this world.

Clown made with plastilin 2


Clown 4


Gazoo jaja

I thought just Fred Flinstone could see it, well maybe Homer Simpson saw him too jajaja
Ya liubliu tebia.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Vampireeeeees !!

Vampires are always in, I dunno what you think but in my opinnion this is the scariest vampire that I've ever seen. Just take a look at these huge fangs !!!
Wait...where are his fangs ? I think a song could be inspired on would be something like "I'm a vampire, I'm a vampire I've lost my fangs" (ofc that song exists I dont want to be sued jaja).
I hope you have enjoyed this simple drawing.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

Brad Pitt

Well this time I had to choose an artist to draw and I took this one, I really admire his job as an actor, a great one.

domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

School's nursery/ Enfermeria escolar.

* of.....WHAT THE HELL !!!???
Hmm...well I guess that can be called "being practical"...
If only every school had one of these..
*Ahhh ... amore di ..... CHE DIAVOLI !!!???
Hmm ...penso che questo può essere chiamato "essere pratici" ...
Se solo in ogni scuola era uno di queste ..
*Ahhh el amor de....QUE DEMONIOS !!!???
Hmm...creo que a esto se le llama "ser practico"..
Si tan solo en cada escuela hubiera una de estas...

Dinner's timeeeeee !!!/ Il momento della cena/ Hora de la cena,

*Just a helpful advice, If your head can be eaten, think twice before accepting a dinner with the "gourmet's club"...believe me it won't be pleasant.
*Solo un consiglio utile, se la tua testa può essere mangiata, pensai due volte prima di accettare una cena con il "Club del buongustaio", ... credi-mi, non sarà piacevole.
*Solo un consejo ùtil, si tu cabeza puede ser comida, piensa dos veces antes de aceptar uan cena con el "club de gourmets", creeme no serà agradable.

Life's ironies/ Ironie della vita/ Ironias de la vida.

*Someway life always wants us to pay back for everything we've done...
Our "friend Jack the ripper" was not the exception.
Someday he had to dislike guts, right ?
*Qualcuna manera la vita sempre pensa che dobbiamo pagare tutto cosa abbiamo fatto
Il nostro "amico Jack lo squartatore" non è stato l'eccezione.
Un giorno aveva che avere antipatia per le budella, certo?
*De alguna manera la vida siempre nos hara pagar por lo que hemos hecho...
Nuestro "amigo Jack el destripador" no fue la excepcion.
Algun dia tenia que perderle el gusto a las tripas, no ?

City of artifitial moons/ Città di lune artificiali/ Ciudad de las lunas artificiales.

*Since the wolfman lost his glasses, he has been a little bit confused...he has had some troubles to recognize the true moon...Oh my God, someone tell him that's not the moon, it's just a street-lamp !!!!
*Da cuando l'uomo lupo ha perso gli occhiali, lui è stato un po confuso ha avuto qualcune difficolte per riconoscere la vera luna ...Oh mio Dio, qualcuno dica che non è la luna, è solo una lampada nella strada !!!!
*Desde que el hombre lobo perdio sus anteojos ha estado un poco confundido, ha tenido algunas dificultades para reconocer la luna verdadera...Oh por el amor de Dios, alguien digale que eso no es la luna, es solo un farol !!!!

domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

Me and my cousin.

It was made with pencil ofc.

Goblin made with clay.

This time it was not plastilin, I love this one...I was working when it came to my mind, I inmediately took my sketch book and put my idea on it, when I came home, well I just made it, then painted it...a great one (it's not so small att all, it's about 25x30 cms). I hope you like it.

Shoot 2

Shoot 3

Violator (Spawn)

This one, well I love it..I made it when I was 16 and it's special to me cause I think it's great, unfortunately it's not an original design but that does not mean I must not love it jaja..I have uploaded so many works, some copied and some other not copied..I just wanna show you what I have been doing since I was 14-15 yrs old till now, now I don't use to copy my drawings or figures but when I was 15 I used to do it jaja...well hope you like it as always, and thanks a lot for taking a look at my works.

Angela (Spawn)

Drawing made when I was 15, it's not an original design.


Uncomplete dragon made with pen, it was a tattoo on Bruce Lee's arm.


Not an original design, the same as the last one it was made when I was 16 and I think it's pretty good, I made it with pen and color pencils.


Once again it's not an original design, I made it when I was 16 and I like it so much thats why I decided to add it in here.

At school

Well I dunno I feel good thinking about those yrs at school and well I never was the best student as you can see jaja..some horror characters made with pen.


I like this one so much, it was made when I was 16, I used just pen.
Btw. I'm not crazy jaja, it just came to my mind and guess what I like this more cause I gave it in person to Radiohead (more exactly to Colin Greenwood) :)


Another one of that period in my life.


Ofc it's not original design jaja, t was made when I was 15. And I wanted to add in here cause this cartoon was soo amazing to me.

Anotehr father's day gift.

It was made with pen when I was 16 yrs old.

Lazlo ("Camp Lazlo" ofc jaja)

This charismatic character made with palstilin.

Hello Kitty

Made with plastilin.

Pirate !!!!

Well another of my figures made with palstilin.

Lumpus from "Camp Lazlo"

Made with palstilin.

Eustace from "Courage the cowardly dog"

Made with palstilin.


Made with foamy to my cousin.

Tiger !!

A great one, as the lion it's not original design, but yes, I made it with pastels, size aprox...40x30.

Squidward (Spongebob squaredpants)

Made with palstilin.


From Hellsing using photoshop (it was my first try using photoshop)


Made with pastels.

Cyclops SS

Made with pen, it's a character of Saint seiya.

Jack Sparrow

This famous pirate, beloved for sooo many girls around the world, it was made with pen.


I love this one, it was one of my first tries with plastilin.

"Gir" (invader zim)

I liked this one, a b-day present, it was made with palstilin.

Little brother.

Ofc I think this is not good at all, I wanted to show it to you cause I made it when I was 15, so I think for that moment it's not bad at all.


Lion made with pastels, this one is not original design, ofc I made it but the photo was taken from a Nat geo's magazine.